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E-waste EPR Registration Certification


EPR registration overview

E-waste” is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life. “E-wastes are considered dangerous, as certain components of some electronic products contain materials that are hazardous, depending on their condition and density. The hazardous content of these materials pose a threat to human health and environment. Discarded computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, electric lamps, cell phones, audio equipment and batteries if improperly disposed can leach lead and other substances into soil and groundwater. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled in an environmentally sound manner so that they are less harmful to the ecosystem. This article highlights the hazards of e-wastes, the need for its appropriate management and options that can be implemented.

EPR Certificate

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India has notified to obtain EPR Certificate for E-Waste Management. All the Indian manufacturers and importers of Electronic and Electrical Products need to submit a future plan of the proper disposal of the Electronic-Waste to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) as a mandatory requirement. As per the guidelines, manufacturers and importers needs to tie-up with authorized recycler to dispose the E-Waste and submit all the plans related to estimated dump quantity and method adopted for disposal in CPCB to get the EPR Certificate.

Who can Apply

All manufacturers, whether of Indian or foreign origin, as well as importers of electronics, are required to apply for an EPR certificate under the E-waste Management Rules. This application must be submitted through the CPCB portal to comply with regulations.

E-waste Item List


Vital Documents Required for :


Synopsis for control of E-waste

Proper control over the materials used in the manufacturing process is an important way to reduce waste generation (Freeman, 1989). By reducing both the quantity of hazardous materials used in the process and the amount of excess raw materials in stock, the quantity of waste generated can be reduced. This can be done in two ways i.e. establishing material-purchase review and control procedures and inventory tracking system.Developing review procedures for all material purchased is the first step in establishing an inventory management program. Procedures should require that all materials be approved prior to purchase. In the approval process all production materials are evaluated to examine if they contain hazardous constituents and whether alternative non-hazardous materials are available.Another inventory management procedure for waste reduction is to ensure that only the needed quantity of a material is ordered. This will require the establishment of a strict inventory tracking system. Purchase procedures must be implemented which ensure that materials are ordered only on an as-needed basis and that only the amount needed for a specific period of time is ordered.

Process for EPR license and post compliances :

  • Identifying if the product falls under EPR E-waste guidelines.
  • Creating data as to how much E-waste is generated by the firm
  • Filing online application on the CPCB portal
  • Payment of requisite fees to the govt.
  • Final submission of application
  • Generation of EPR certificate
  • Getting the products re-cycled as per the plan
  • Submission of re-cycling certificate on yearly/quarterly basis.

Timeline : Approx 1-2 weeks after submission of application.

Validity : It is granted for 1 year initially and has to be renewed after that by paying the government fees.

Role of Sun Consultants & Engineers as EPR license consultants:

As EPR registration consultants, our job is to ensure that the tiring procedures that we have listed above become a cake-walk for you. Right from the beginning i.e. from the stage of collection of documents from the foreign manufacturers or preparation of documents for the Indian manufacturer and following up with the department for grant of license is under our scope.

We are one of the most experienced EPR consultants in the field of E-waste management,we provide apex quality of services possible to all our national and international clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for E-waste aims to reduce the environmental and economic burdens. management for municipalities by extending producer responsibility to the end-of-life stage.

Collection & Recycling: Producers must establish systems for collecting and recycling products after they are discarded.

Waste Minimization: Encouraging the design of products that are easier to recycle and have less environmental impact.

Compliance with Regulations: Producers must meet government regulations on waste management and demonstrate compliance through registration and certification.

To obtain EPR license , online application has to be made on the CPCB's portal.

The primary stage is to see is to see if your products fall under the E-waste category, then an online application has to be filed on the CPCB portal to complete the registration procedure.

Yes! EPR registration is mandatory.

Central Pollution Control Board's ( CPCB ) head office is in New Delhi.

EPR consultants or EPR license consultants help the manufacturers to obtain the certification with ease and within the timeframe, as they are experts in this field and have deep technical know-how of the procedure and documentation required.

