The Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization, abbreviated as PESO, is a mid-level Nodal organization founded in September 1898. This organization is mainly responsible for managing and administering risky substances such as bio-chemicals, gas cylinders, petroleum, and explosives that possess their own significance and risk to several human lives.
This PESO organization functions under the policy of agreement “Safety First” in a queue with the powers granted to it by the policy mentioned below:
Explosive Act 1884 We are all aware of how dangerous petroleum and compressed gases are and how even a
single ignite
coming into contact with them can cause a catastrophe that puts human life in
danger. Hazards
associated with compressed gases are combustible, poisonous, oxidizing, and
corrosive. For more than a century, the PESO has achieved a legendary grade as an organization
of distinction in
the regions connected to risky material safety in refining/ manufacturing, storage,
transportation, and usage. Today, the PESO organization works on various topics such
as petroleum,
compressed gases, explosives, gas cylinders, cross-country pipelines, Ammonium
Nitrate, Flame Proof
electric fittings, and others. Here is a comprehensive list of the products that require certification. A PESO
registration is
necessary for electrical equipment that must endure extremely corrosive seawater or
extremely hot
situations in addition to the aforementioned products. Purely mechanical parts that
are employed in
hazardous regions in India must also get PESO certification. For explosion-proof products, one may often adhere to a pretty straightforward rule:
PESO is required
for all items that require either IECEx or ATEX certification. Documentation Prepare the application with the necessary paperwork, including the test results and
certificates. Test results must be at least two years old. Equipment that has
undergone thorough
testing and been given the all-clear to operate safely in an explosive or hazardous
environment is
given an ATEX certificate. IECEx is a certification to Standards for equipment used
in explosive or
dangerous environments. Submission of Application Submit your application to the PESO authorities together with the necessary business
such as sales figures, client lists, and client testimonials. Scrutiny The paperwork and application are reviewed by PESO officials. Audit Only specific products, such as pressure vessels, are subject to factory audits. PESO Certification he PESO Certificate will be issued if PESO personnel are satisfied with the
supporting documentation
and test results. Licence to Authorized Indian Representatives Additionally, the Authorized Indian Representative receives a license. Please Note Once the PESO license has been approved, the product may be imported. The authorities
accept test reports that have received international recognition, such as IECEx or
ATEX. In any case,
the products must be assessed in India if you don't have these test findings.
TAT 90 - 100 Days License Validity After three years have passed, the license must be renewed. Static pressure
vessel PESO
licenses are only good for three years before they need to be renewed.
The Chief Controller of Explosives (CCOE) is another name for the Petroleum and
Explosive Safety
Organization (PESO). The safety requirements for the manufacture, importers,
exporters, sellers,
storage, transit, and handling of explosives, combustible materials, pressure
vessels, petroleum, and
compressed gases are managed, controlled, and looked after by this organization.
Additionally, it
controls and manages Indian petrol stations. The Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal
Trade and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry is in charge of PESO, an independent
authority. The oil and gas industry's mandatory approval mechanism for products that deal
with gases, are
used in the oil industry, or must withstand severely corrosive environments is
described in PESO
Certification. Nagpur, Maharashtra, is home to PESO's headquarters. Some of the prime rules associating with the PESO
certificate are as
Petroleum Act 1934 & Rules 2002
Cinematographic Film Rules 1948
Inflammable Substance Act 1952
Calcium Carbide Rules 1987
Ammonium Nitrate Rules 1987
Gas Cylinders Rules 2002
Products Covered by PESO
of PESO Certification
Documents Required for PESO License & Registration
is PESO Certification?
The SMPV (U) Rules, 1981
Mandatory License/ Stakeholders for PESO
Below-mentioned licensee/stakeholders are covered under the PESO certification who
are in the
business of:
Timeline : PESO registration process will take 1 day after the documents are submitted to us.
Validity : Validity of PESO online registration is perpetual i.e. no end date and requires no renewal.
Note : After the registration is completed, a unique file number is generated, which has to be mentioned on the product / packaging, in case of registration there is no certificate
The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels are referred to as SMPVs. Static pressure containers are made to store linear loads with mass and volume variations that significantly exceed the features of the material's ambient pressure. This type of fabrication is justified by safety considerations, with the prevention of contaminating pure contents coming in second. The purpose of pressure vessels is to store liquids, gases, or vapors under high pressure.
Timeline : Approx 6-8 weeks after submission of application.
Validity : It is granted for 5 years initially and has to be renewed after that by paying the government fees.
and rest of
the procedure remains the same.
2.) License number mentioned on the CDSCO registration certificate has to be mentioned on
the products /
3.) Test license is also required in case of Indian manufacturers.
As PESO registration consultants, our job is to ensure that the tiring procedures that we have listed above become a cake-walk for you. Right from the beginning i.e. from the stage of collection of documents from the foreign manufacturers or preparation of documents for the Indian manufacturer and following up with the department for grant of license is under our scope.
We are one of the most experienced PESO consultants in the field of medical products,we provide apex quality of services possible to all our national and international clients.