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What is a Safety Glass

Safety glass is a type of glass that is explicitly intended to be less inclined to break, and less inclined to incurring injury when it breaks. It additionally incorporates glass that is fabricated for quality or imperviousness to fire.

These type of glass when struck, bulges or breaks into tiny, relatively harmless fragments rather than shattering into large, jagged pieces. Safety glass may be made in either of two ways. It may be constructed by laminating two sheets of ordinary glass together, with a thin interlayer of plastic, or it may be produced by strengthening glass sheets by heat treatment

Why we need BIS/ ISI for Your safety Glass

You have reached this page because you are a manufacturer of Safety glass and looking for BIS certification for your safety glass. A customer looking for quality safety glass, always look for ISI mark on the product they purchase so you must have an ISI mark on your safety glass

Why Sun Consultants for BIS and ISI on

We, Sun consultants and engineers are a reputed name in the industry of BIS / ISI Consultancy services. We have server for more than 500 companies as their premier choice for getting their BIS Consultancy services. We are specialized in offering consulting services on safety glass BIS and ISI mark.